Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The most ridiculous Presidential Campaign Ever (Or at least in my opinion)

My wife and I have been following the events of the election for President and to be honest, we know we do not want HilLIARy in office.  Kind of reminds me of an episode of the 90's Sci-Fi TV show, Sliders, where they slide into a world where women, not men, rule society.  Female President, etc, takes most men and they are used for nothing but breeding.  This in my mind is what plays out if she is elected, even though I know that it's not reality, it's fun to think outside the box, so to speak.

And then, of course, you have businessman Donald Trump going through spouting off whatever comes to mind, and using no sort of filter really.  I like the honesty that he is proclaiming, unlike Hillary, where she has lied about almost everything.  I mean, how can you say one minute that you are going to get rid of the Coal Industry, and then the next you say you support that industry and that we need it.  A bit two-faced there, wouldn't you say?  Reminds me of my ex-wife.  Yes, Trump can be a little harsh, but hey, would you rather here something true rather than being lied to?  I would.  Everyone honestly needs to get over their "soft" feelings.  Alot of the things that he has said are his opinions.  Has everyone really forgotten that opinions are like buttholes, everyone has them.  Get over yourselves!!

And then you have EmailGate for Clinton.  She should just own up to the fact, that she literally f'ed up amd accept the punishment to be handed down to her.  What the hell is she worried about, she still has the money to be taken care of while in Club Fed.

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